Plasma Non-Surgical Face Lift

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From £250

Other treatments
Wrinkle Reduction
Chemical Skin Peels
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation

This is a relatively new treatment designed to tighten lax skin or fine lines and wrinkles in the facial region without surgery. Also called non-surgical blepharoplasty (upper eyelid lift) and face Plasma treatment can also be used to tighten skin in: -

Upper and lower lid,

Crow’s feet area around the eyes.

Fine lines around the mouth

  • Upper Eye Lid Lift
  • Lower Eye Lid Lift
  • Sagging jawline
  • Improving texture of loose skin in the neck

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Plasma skin tightening works on the principle of ionised gas in the air. At the right distance from the skin oxygen and nitrogen are mixed and electrostatic energy produces a plasmatic effusion or arc which discharges into the skin. Without touching the skin this plasma arc vaporises in the skin forcing it to contract and stimulates fibroblast which are the cells in the body responsible for collagen production. Small carbon crusts form on the skin resembling dots which fall away over the next 4 to 10 days.

Does it hurt?

Numbing cream is applied to the skin for 30 minutes prior to treatment. Most patient only feel a mild discomfort.

What to expect from plasma treatment?

Swelling in the area treated will subside within three to four days. Small circular crusts form at each treatment point. These will also drop off within 4 to 10 days.

Will I need aftercare?

Creams will be prescribed to apply over the area treated, this expedites healing and minimise infection. Once the skin has healed the skin will look much tighter, brighter and more youthful.

When can I see the results?

Some tightening of the skin will be seen within a few weeks. The full effect of the treatment will be seen within the next three to four weeks.

Will I need more than one treatment?

Depending on the laxity of the skin you may need more than one treatment. On average most patients need 2 to 3 treatments for best results.

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